© 2024 Design Deck

Last Updated: 30-April-2024Welcome to StickerTexts! By using StickerTexts, you agree to these terms hereunder, our Privacy Policy and other Policies we post. Please read the terms carefully, before proceeding to use the application. StickerTexts is an AI powered platform that provides users easy-to-use editing tools, customizable templates, designs and simple user interface to create engaging images and videos in a matter of minutes. The users can create photos and stickers of a person by uploading a photo.The use of the application StickerTexts by any member of the general public all over the globe shall be subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.Any person using it holds out that he or she has consented that the User terms and condition hereinafter contained are binding on him or her. The application and related services and all rights therein are and shall remain the property of Design Deck. Neither these terms nor the use of the application by the user convey, grant or vest in the user any rights in the application or the services provided by us, except to the extent of permission granted to use the same in the manner and to the extent herein specified.USER SHALL READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS CAREFULLY AND PROVIDE HIS ACCEPTANCE THERETO BEFORE ACCESSING AND USER OF THE APPLICATION AND AVAILING SERVICES OFFERED BY OR THROUGH THE PROVIDER.TERMS OF USEContract: The user of application “StickerTexts” is subject to the following Terms of Use (hereinafter referred as “Terms”) which governs the access or use by the user, from any country in the world of our application, websites, content and the services (“Services”) made available through the application “StickerTexts”.It is developed and maintained by Design Deck, a partnership firm registered under the Partnership Act, 1932 having its registered office at Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
User Accounts: In order to use our services, the user must accept these terms and to the usage and processing of his information as described in our Privacy Policy.The user must register and login with our application / website by entering certain personal information that helps us in providing the service and is protected as detailed in the Privacy Policy.The user agrees that all registration information he submits is truthful, accurate and complete and he agrees to maintain accurate complete and up-to-date account information in his account.The user is responsible for all activity that occurs under his Account and StickerTexts only provides the services “as-is” with inbuilt features. The user may not use StickerTexts if he is barred from receiving our services under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction, or if we have banned him from accessing our services due to violation of these terms or if he is under the age of 13.
Representation by the user: The user agrees to represent himself honestly, and that all of the information provided is true, correct, and current, to the best of his knowledge, and that the user has the necessary rights, power, authority, and age to agree to these Terms and to perform the acts required by the agreement.
Our Service: StickerTexts allows its users to create, edit, publish, store, and share images, stickers, videos, and other content, and to interact with other users and their content. Certain aspects of the Service may be available only in app, on the website, or another Service type. Some features may not be available in your country or region.The user also agrees that the Service cannot guarantee accuracy of information or data entered by the users and the veracity of information entered is the responsibility of the users alone.
License to use StickerTexts: We grant the user a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the Application. Other than the Content provided by users, we own and retain all rights, title, and interest in and to the Service. These terms do not grant the user any rights to our graphical user interface, trademarks, or service marks. Any feedback, comments, or suggestions the user may provide regarding the Service is gratuitous, unsolicited, and without restriction, and we are free to use such feedback, comments, or suggestions as we see fit without any compensation to the user. The user agrees that StickerTexts does not take any responsibility for inaccuracy of information or data provided by third-party applications and it is the responsibility of the user to verify the accuracy of data or information so provided.
Conditions of use: The user agrees that he will use the Service for its intended purpose only, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations: local, state, and national and international, as applicable. The user agrees not to use the service in a fraudulent, disruptive, aggressive, violent or manipulative manner, for money laundering or for any other illegal, unlawful, inappropriate matter. User shall not access or use StickerTexts in any manner that may be harmful to the operation of the StickerTexts Application or its content; maybe unlawful; maybe harmful to another user of StickerTexts may hinder the other User’s enjoyment of StickerTexts Application; or to defraud other Users, Design Deck or any of its affiliates. The user shall not post, distribute, or otherwise transmit or make available any software or computer file that contains a virus, other harmful component or malicious content, or otherwise impair or damage the StickerTexts App or any connected applications or otherwise interfere with any person or entity’s use or enjoyment of the StickerTexts App. The user shall request StickerTexts to block the Account and change the password immediately in case his device has been lost or stolen. StickerTexts reserves the right, but has no obligation, to investigate the user’s usage of the Services for compliance with laws and appropriate use and to terminate, either temporarily or permanently, and his access to the Service. StickerTexts also reserves the right to terminate the user’s access to its Services in order to comply with law, regulations, legal process or request from the Government or Regulatory body, of the country of the user’s residence or citizenship.
User Provided Content: Any User Content provided by the user remains his property. However, by providing User Content to StickerTexts, the user grants StickerTexts a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, transferrable, royalty-free license, with the right to sub-license to use, copy, modify, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise use in any manner such User Content in all formats and distribution channels now known or hereafter devised, without further notice to or consent from the user, and without the requirement of payment to the user or any other person or entity. The user represents and warrants that: he either is the sole and exclusive owner of all User Content or has all rights, licenses, consents and releases necessary to grant StickerTexts the license to the User Content as set forth above; neither the User Content nor his submission, uploading, publishing or otherwise making available of such User Content nor StickerTexts’s use of the User Content as permitted herein will infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party’s intellectual property or proprietary rights, or rights of publicity or privacy, or result in the violation of any applicable law or regulation. The user can end his Content license to us by deleting the Content from the Service or by terminating his account. However, if the user has posted or shared any Content as public and later the user switches it to private or deletes it, we may not be able to remove it from the Service. We grant to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to reproduce, display, and perform Content owned by us or our licensors (“StickerTexts Content”) only for your personal and non-commercial use and only as permitted by the functionality of the Service.The user agrees to not provide User Content that is defamatory, hateful, violent, obscene, pornographic, unlawful, or otherwise offensive, as determined by StickerTexts in its sole discretion, whether or not such material may be protected by law. StickerTexts may, but shall not be obligated to, review, monitor, or remove User Content, at StickerTexts’s sole discretion and at any time and for any reason, without notice to the user.
PAYMENTS: Some of the services provided on the application are free of cost. We also allow users to pay for certain enhanced services and additional StickerTexts Content for a certain fee (a “Payment”). The user may make a Payment directly to us or through a third party, such as the iOS App Store or Google Play. If a user makes a Payment from a third party, separate terms and conditions with such third party in addition to these terms may apply to his access to the Service. Unless we specify that the user’s Payment allows use of the Service by multiple users, the Payment is for a single user only. User may not share his account with anyone else. The amount the user is billed and billing date may vary to account for a free Trial, promotional offers, account credits, and changes in the payment method. The user authorizes us to charge for these varying amounts, if any.
CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS: The user may ask for a refund from the channel the payment was made. The refund will be processed based on the sole discretion of StickerTexts. If the user purchased through a third party, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play, the user may need to cancel through that third party. From time to time, we or others on our behalf may offer trials of Subscriptions or features for a specified period without payment or at a reduced rate (a "Trial"). We may determine your eligibility for a Trial, and withdraw or modify a Trial at any time without prior notice and with no liability, to the extent permitted under applicable law. For some Trials, we'll require the user to provide his payment details to start the Trial. By providing such details, the user agrees that we may automatically begin charging for a Subscription on the first day following the end of the Trial on a recurring monthly basis or another interval that we disclose to the user in advance. TO AVOID PAYING THIS CHARGE, THE USER MUST CANCEL THE APPLICABLE SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE THE END OF THE TRIAL. IF THE USER RECEIVED HIS TRIAL THROUGH A THIRD PARTY, THE USER MUST CANCEL THE APPLICABLE SUBSCRIPTION THROUGH THE THIRD PARTY.
DISCLAIMER - No warrantyDESIGN DECK DOES NOT REPRESENT THAT THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY IT ARE ERROR-FREE, COMPLETE, OR CAN BE RELIED UPON. THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' AND 'AS AVAILABLE' WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. USER IS USING THE SERVICE AT HIS OWN RISK. DESIGN DECK DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING THE SERVICE, INCLUDING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OR USABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN ADDITION, DESIGN DECK MAKES NO REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY, OR GUARANTEE REGARDING THE RELIABILITY, TIMELINESS, QUALITY, SUITABILITY OR AVAILABILITY OF THE SERVICES OR ANY SERVICES THROUGH THE USE OF THE APPLICATION / WEBSITE, OR THAT THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. DESIGN DECK DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE QUALITY, SUITABILITY, SAFETY OR ABILITY OF THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS. THOUGH IT SHALL ALWAYS BE ITS ENDEAVOUR TO PROVIDE THE AVAILABLE SERVICES AT ITS BESTTermination of Service and Refusal of Access: The user’s access to the services provided by the Firm may be terminated at any time, for any reason, at DESIGN DECK’s sole discretion without the need for providing any reason or prior notice. This includes the right to ban any person from the usage of services who uses StickerTexts to send spam, unwanted or hostile communications to other users and otherwise use the same to disrepute the service providers in any manner and to any extent. The user may end his legal agreement with Design Deck at any time by deleting his account and discontinuing the use of the Services.
Privacy and Security: In order to provide the Services to the user we may collect some of the user’s Personal Information, being the data entered in the App / Website and Location access if granted by the user. We describe our collection and use of personal information in our Privacy Policy. Please read this policy. The user must agree to the processing of his data as laid out in the policy in order to use our services. The user agrees that Design Deck may disclose personal information provided, including content of emails, messages, and data entered in the site, if required to, by law or government request such as a warrant, or as specified in the Privacy Policy. It shall have liberty to share the non-identifying data with its associates whose services are accessed by the users of StickerTexts. The user must be at least 13 years of age to use this service. The user should take care to prevent unauthorized access to his account by unrelated persons.
Limitation of Liability: Under no circumstances will DESIGN DECK or its partners, officers, subsidiaries, associate companies, employees, agents or any other related persons be liable to the user for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary or punitive damages (including lost profits, goodwill, intangible loss, lost data, personal injury, property damage, emotional and mental distress) arising out of or in connection with the use of the services used through StickerTexts. This is so whether or not the user or we have been advised of the possibility of such damages, including any breach of contract or warranty, negligence or other tortious action. Under no circumstances DESIGN DECK shall be liable to the user for any Services availed pursuant to this agreement.
Indemnification: User agrees to hold DESIGN DECK, its employees, partners, licensors, licensees, consultants, contractors, agents, and representatives, as harmless and indemnify DESIGN DECK from and against any or all claims, demands, damages, obligations and the like arising from or in any way related to the use or violation of the Services by the user including those arising out of all losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs, and legal fees, of every kind and nature.
Modifications to the Agreement: Users agree that DESIGN DECK may vary or modify the terms of this agreement at any time, by posting a new agreement, which will come in to effect from the date on which it is posted on the website. User agrees that the new terms of this agreement, be effective and binding from such date of posting.
Severability: If any part of this agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the provision shall be superseded by a validly enforceable provision in its place that closely matches the intent of the original agreement. All other parts of the agreement shall remain unaffected.
Exercise of Agreement: User agrees that the failure of DESIGN DECK to exercise or enforce any part of this agreement and terms does not constitute a waiver of such rights by it.
Jurisdiction: User agrees that this entire agreement (including Privacy Policy) shall be interpreted according to the laws of India. The jurisdiction for litigations, if any, as may arise between the parties herein in respect of any matters herein contained and anything that may arise there from, shall lie with the Competent Courts of Law of India, or in whose territorial jurisdiction the registered office of DESIGN DECK is situated for the time being.
General: No joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship exists between the user and Design Deck, StickerTexts or any Third Party as a result of the contract contained in these Terms of Service. These Terms constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter and replaces and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or undertakings regarding such subject matter. In these Terms, the words “including” and “include” mean “including, but not limited to.” The terms “he” or “him” or “himself” shall mean to include “she” or “her” or “herself

We're always happy to help!Open the StickerTexts app and go to Settings -> Help -> Talk to UsOr write to us at [email protected]

Last Updated: 30-April-2024SCOPE: This Privacy Statement describes DESIGN DECK’s (“Design Deck” or “StickerTexts”) policy on collection, protection, disclosure, and use of user’s information that he provides during the course of use of any of our Services. This Privacy Policy applies to all of Design Deck’s websites, mobile applications, and/or online services, that are linked to or have reference this Privacy Policy. It covers users’ personal information that is provided or collected through our services and how we use that information in connection with our Services. However, this policy does not apply to those affiliates and partners who have their own independent privacy policy. In such situations, we recommend that the user read the privacy policy on the applicable site. By using the application StickerTexts, the user consents to the terms of this Privacy Policy in addition to our Terms of Service.We prevail upon the users to read this Privacy Policy regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of users’ information from time to time to keep themselves updated with the changes that we may make from time to time. If the user does not agree with any of the terms in this Privacy Policy, they are free to not use our services.OVERVIEW: In order to use StickerTexts, the user shall create an account on the first login. When the user sign-ups he is asked to provide some required registration information such as name, email address, apple ID and/or social media login. This information is required to create an account so that the user is identified and available for communication and so that the user can access his account from anywhere and from any device. In addition to sharing the users’ registration information to set up his account, we may collect some other information about the user, such as the type of device he uses and user’s IP address. We also require data about the user’s location, which we approximate from the user’s IP address or device settings. We use all of this to securely set up the user’s account and provide our services to the user.
We also collect visual information through the images that the user posts to our services, including his profile photos. With the user’s permission (on download or within one of our apps), we may access and store the user’s device's contact list to help the user find his friends on StickerTexts, invite them to StickerTexts, or to share his content with them. Users have control over the type of information they provide and how we use it. We don’t share user’s registration or personal information for marketing purposes. Design Deck or its partners or service providers may maintain operations in India or in any other country, and therefore the user’s personal information may be processed or accessed outside the country where the user are located. By using and providing information to us, the user agrees and consents to the transfer, storage, and processing of his information in other countries. Countries that we transfer the user’s information to may not have data protection laws similar to those of where the user is located. StickerTexts is not intended for use by children under 13 years of age or minors or those who have no capacity to contract. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that their child has provided us with Personal Information claiming that they are majors, we are not responsible for any consequences. We will delete such information or account from our files and system immediately after the knowledge of such misrepresentation of facts by the user.
Registration Information: When the user signs up for an account with StickerTexts on the login page, the user will be asked for registration information, such as name, email address and/or apple ID. We require the user to provide an email address in order to use StickerTexts so that we can contact the user about their account, and so that the user can access his data from any device that he may use. We will also maintain a record of the information provided to us when using customer support services. Certain features may be restricted, unavailable or unusable if the user chooses not to provide certain information. For example: The user would not be able to mark his current location automatically in the image if the user chooses not to share location access on his device.
User Generated Content: We also collect and store the information the user provides to us when using our Service like photos, facial photos, texts, music, images, videos etc.
User patterns: We collect information about how the users may use and interact with StickerTexts such as the when the user visits our website, sign into our services, or browse content, we collect data about these interactions that includes where the user navigates within our website and apps, his IP address, browser type and settings, the date and time of your visit, search terms, which elements of our site and services the user uses the most, device data, and cookie data. We use log data to operate our services, maintain security, ensure reliable performance, and improve your experience on StickerTexts.
Device and Location Information: When a user downloads or uses StickerTexts, we may receive information about his device and location, which allows us to provide increased account security and cause regulatory compliance. It also allows us to provide location-based services such as search results, customized search suggestions, targeted advertising, and other personalized content. We also collect information about users’ interaction with StickerTexts including, but not limited to, his computer browser type, pages visited, advertisements clicked on, average time spent on our Sites / Application, his IP address, unique identifiers of user’s device, manufacturer and model of his mobile device, geolocation, preferred language, the operating system version and app version. We will also collect information about the pages that the user visits within our sites and other actions that he may take while visiting our application / website.
Metadata of visual information: We collect the metadata linked to your content. For example, the user’s images may be accompanied by additional content like a geotag. This makes the user’s content more searchable by others and more interactive. If the user geotags his photo or tags his photo using others' APIs, then the latitude and longitude coordinates may be stored with the photo and may be searchable (e.g., through a location or map feature) if the user makes his photo publicly viewable.
Information related to Third Party Integrations: StickerTexts may also collect information about the user from third parties to help improve our service, or for security and support reasons. If a user chooses to use some of the optional integrations of the third-party services that we offer we may also collect information about the user from those services.
To Provide the StickerTexts Service: We process user’s information to enable us to provide the Service, support him in case of issues, and to secure our service. Some instances of usage of user’s data to provide the services, include: Respond to user’s inquiries about our Services. For example, if the user or his StickerTexts friend contacts us for support, or as part of a random account audit, we may go into the user’s account in "administrator mode" to help provide support to the user or his friend. To detect and protect against errors, fraud, or other criminal activity. We may use user’s information for internal security purposes. We may use identifying information to monitor suspicious activity. To verify the user's identity in the event he contacts us for assistance. To analyze Site usage, perform market research, project planning, product development, troubleshooting problems, analysis of user behaviour, internal marketing and promotions, or other efforts to improve our service quality. To pre-fill form fields or store preferences for user convenience. To alert the user to software compatibility issues and to improve our web design and functionality. To communicate with the user via email or other notifications To enforce our Terms of Service.
With Third Parties, Affiliates, Subsidiaries and Service Providers: We employ third party agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or service providers to enable them to help support and improve our services. For example, maintenance services, database management, cloud hosting, web and mobile analytics, security and spam protection, advertising, AI services, image databases etc. Third parties acting on our behalf that are given access to the user’s personal information are contractually obligated to abide by our privacy regulations and policies and are not allowed to use the information for any other purposes. We may share the user’s personal information with other third parties if the same is warranted for any valid reason.
Non-Identifiable Information with Third Parties: We may at any time, disclose information that does not personally identify the user in any other manner that we deem appropriate, including to third parties for their research, marketing, and promotional purposes and to help us determine how we can improve our Services. We will also disclose non-personal information to our service providers and other third parties about how our users collectively use the Sites. The data we share with these mentioned parties will not include any personal information that identifies the user, but only as masked data regarding usage of our Services by him or his group members.
For Legal Matters: We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to share or disclose the user’s personal information with law enforcement, government officials, law and audit firms as notified by governmental agencies and other third parties: to respond to summons, court orders, or legal process; in order to investigate, prevent, defend against, or take other action regarding violations of our Terms of Service, illegal activities, suspected fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the legal rights or physical safety of any person or the security of our network, application, websites, or Services; to respond to claims that any posting or other content violates the rights of third parties; in an emergency, to protect the health and safety of our Sites' users or the general public; or
as otherwise required by any applicable law.
Transfer of Ownership of Business: If our Firm or our assets and rights are acquired by another company, or in the event of a merger, amalgamation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization, or liquidation, we may transfer, sell, or assign to third parties, information concerning the user’s relationship with us, including, without limitation, personal information that the user provides and other information concerning the user’s relationship with us. Such third parties will assume responsibility for the personal information collected by us in connection with our business operations or through our Application / Sites and such third parties will assume the rights and obligations regarding such information as described in this Privacy Statement and according to applicable regulations.
Digital Marketing: Our Advertising Network may serve ads on behalf of StickerTexts and others on our platform and non-affiliated platforms. Our Ad Network may also serve advertisements to the user using personal information, such as the user’s email address, that they may collect directly from the user both on our platform and on non-affiliated platforms. Some of those ads may be personalized, meaning that they are intended to be relevant to the user based on information ad networks and ad serving providers collect about the user’s use of our platform and other websites or apps over time, including information about relationships among different browsers and devices. This type of advertising is known as interest-based advertising. The user’s use of StickerTexts is supported, in part, by interest-based advertising, without which StickerTexts would not be able to provide a free or cost-effective experience. Accordingly, the user agrees that StickerTexts may display interest-based advertising and, if the user is using our mobile app, the user may enable such activity directly through the app.
Biometric Policy: When the user uses StickerTexts tools and applies effects to, or generates images of, his face, the user understands and agrees that StickerTexts may use facial geometry or other facial data to produce the image or effect you request. We refer to this as “biometric data.” Our technology uses this biometric data to provide the applicable services to the user and to improve StickerTexts. We only collect, use and store the user’s biometric data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In addition, we will only disclose your biometric data in accordance with the section above entitled “HOW WE USE THE DATA COLLECTED” and, where required by applicable law, that the user consents to such disclosure.
Data Security:We use technical and administrative security measures including but not limited to encryption techniques and authentication procedures, among others, to maintain the security of the user’s online usage of our application / sites. However, it is to be understood that while we try our best to safeguard the user’s personal information once we receive it, no transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be completely secure.Users are responsible for the security of their information when using unencrypted, public or otherwise unsecured networks. We may contact the user regarding any breach of the security, confidentiality, or integrity of his unencrypted electronically stored personal information to him via email or conspicuous posting on our Site in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, insofar as consistent with (i) the legitimate needs of law enforcement or (ii) any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable integrity of the data system. We do not and will not, at any time, request the user’s credit card secured information, his account ID, login password, or national identification numbers in a non-secure or unsolicited e-mail or telephone communication.
Deleting your account:Users may choose to close their account at any time from the Account Settings page.
Data Retention: In accordance with and as permitted by applicable law and regulations, we will retain the user’s information as long as necessary to serve him, to maintain his account for as long as the account is active, or as otherwise needed to operate our business. We may also retain personal information to comply with law, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, enforce our Terms of Service, and as permitted by applicable law. If the user would like to fully delete all his account and information in it, we will use commercially reasonable time and effort to remove his account and his personal information from our services so long as we do not have any legal reason or obligation to retain the record. It may take up to 90 days for clearing such information from our servers.
MODIFICATIONS:We may update this Privacy Policy periodically as decided by the Company. Changes are effective immediately upon posting of the revised Policy. The date last revised appears at the top of this Policy.
GENERAL: In these Terms, the words “including” and “include” mean “including, but not limited to.” The terms “he” or “him” or “himself” shall mean to include “she” or “her” or “herself”.
CONTACT:If the user has questions, concerns or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, our security practices, or our information handling practices please contact us in writing:
Email: [email protected]